Are you a creature of habit, or do you feel challenged to break the cycles + stories of what has been conditioned in your life? As a trauma-informed wellness expert and fellow #cyclebreaker, the 3 words "breaking the cycle" run deep as a practice to healing inner child, ancestral and intergenerational trauma wounds.

In a fun, light hearted conversation with Emily + Stephanie of the Cycle Chats pod, this episode demystifies not only what "breaking the cycle" means, but how to even understand the essence of the profound question "Who am I", and what does it truly mean to be "myself"? Is this me, or am I repeating cycles of stories that have been passed down through family, or even friends in childhood?  

Em + Steph and I go deep into how we can become our own #cyclebreaker by making decisions that break the cycles and go against the grain, saying NO to what doesn't feel aligned, and choosing your own path as a programming of your own design!

We talk about what loving yourself looks like, what is love even, and how do you not lose yourself in a relationship?

Again, everything you do is connected to a cycle, so this episode is guaranteed to spark revelations within your world to join us in the revolution of "breaking the cycle" not just in stories, but in healing the mental health epidemic and traumas we all carry.

About Cycle Chats - Emily + Stephanie:

Emily and Stephanie were twin flames brought together by bright pink lipstick. Though their friendship began with Stephanie stalking Emily through costume racks they quickly became sisters. They worked together at a children’s theater where they taught their students to be brave, thoughtful, and most importantly themselves. Once the pandemic hit they both lost their jobs, and as Stephanie says floated in a pool of insecurity knowing they couldn’t sustain that lifestyle.

They both truly missed educating their students, working together, and having real conversations about real issues….so Cycle Chats was born!

They started their podcast to educate, empower, and inspire women of all ages to be the best versions of themselves. So here they are almost 18 months later, forever changed from the amazing women they get to work with and their community of cycle cats who are constantly showing them love.

Connect with Cycle Chats - Emily + Stephanie:


Instagram: @cyclechats

Cycle Chats Pod:

YouTube channel: @cyclechats Chit Chats

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