We all lead busy lives. With careers to think about, kids to raise, bills to pay, friends to spend time with, and more on our plates, we sometimes forget to practice gratitude. 


But today’s episode is all about offering you tips to make practicing gratitude a part of your everyday life and how a tiny shift can enact big change! 


“When you are grateful, it raises not just your vibrational frequency, it raises the dopamine in your brain, and it’s tied to a greater happiness.” 


A huge part of cultivating gratitude is pouring into the people we love, celebrating their accomplishments, and showing up when they need a helping hand or an understanding ear. When we play an active role in the lives of others, our sense of gratitude is magnified. If you listened to the episode about friendship a few weeks back, you know that being in relationship with others is truly one of the most human things we can do. 


“People want to feel known and seen. That’s what you really want… And in order to do that, you have to have relationships with people. You have to be vulnerable. And when you have that, that’s when gratitude comes about.”  


Whether you want to exchange gratitude lists with friends, speak out your gratitude throughout the day, or write a letter of gratitude to yourself, it is certainly something to be shared with others. Speak it into existence, celebrate every joy, and always remember that your unique existence has the potential to bring immense good to the world. 


“Let your gratitude be known. Don’t hold it in. Share your gratitude, or at least write yourself a gratitude letter. Do something to share the gratitude…” 


In This Episode:


(0:35) Diving into gratitude
(2:27) The proven benefits of gratitude 
(3:25) How you can practice being grateful 
(8:55) Flexing that social muscle 
(13:58) Step outside your comfort zone, give yourself grace, and enjoy the journey
(16:04) Celebrate the people in your circle and live out your unique life 


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