Do you feel uncomfortable, and can’t explain why? Do you escape your feelings with unhealthy food or other things? Are you ready to heal that part inside that haunts you? That piece still needing healing? More importantly, what path to healing have you chosen? Are you sick of meds or doctors prescribing a pill for your problems? Listen as Dr. Kendra Campbell helps you understand that sometimes, the best path to healing can be found within.

“I changed my entire life. I gave up smoking, drinking, coffee, and all my toxic habits. I cleaned up my diet, started exercising, and meditating and basically tapered myself off all the medications.” – Dr. Kendra Campbell (4:55)

Part of the healing process is understanding the power that rests inside of you. You are powerful and how to tap into your own force. Dr. Campbell offers encouragement helping you think out of the box to heal and take control of this incredible part of your life journey!

“All the incurable physical and mental health problems I was told I was going to have for the rest of my life and couldn’t be addressed just miraculously went away.” – Dr. Kendra Campbell (5:08)

Listen and glean a myriad of tools for you to heal and align with your life path just like Dr. Campbell! There’s an incredible person waiting for you on the other side of that process. This episode provides such inspiration and proves you dont have to be on meds to heal. You can have the life of your dreams. Be and do anything you want and even stay sane. Or as in Dr. Kendra’s case, have a child, work in a thriving holistic practice, and be filled with joy.

“Get out of my brain, get out of my head, and listen to my heart.” – Dr. Kendra Campbell – (20:26)

If there was ever a time to move, it’s now. Listen to Lauren and Dr. Campbell as they help you chart your course to healing!

In This Episode 

(1:46) – The origin of burnout.
(2:25) – Work/life imbalance creates toxic habits and many physical ailments.
(3:20) – Life often calls you to make a life overhaul.
(6:02) – Listening to your inner voice.
(7:34) – The energy of your environment matters. 
(8:34) – Debunking the myth of “A pill for every ill.”
(10:46) – Just because you’re medicating, doesn’t mean you’re addressing the problem.
(13:04) – You can’t rely on pills to do the hard work.
(14:25) – Confronting your unhealed trauma.
(14:51) – How to make sure your life is in alignment.
(15:39) – You are what you eat: the connection between food and feelings.
(16:00) – How nature heals. 
(19:48) – The power of heart-based decisions. 
(21:44) – Whatever you’re struggling with, anything can be healed. 
(22:40) – The first step in healing.


Dr. Kendra Campbell is a holistic psychiatrist with a diverse background that has seen her work in a variety of medical and academic settings. Healing is her passion, and she is committed to driving awareness about the harms of medication. She is also the founder of Free Range Psychiatry, a practice based in Virginia whose mission is to transform the world through root cause discovery and the administering of holistic mind-body interventions and healings.

Resources and Links 


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Dr. Kendra Campbell 

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