*4.1-Makkos Daf 03 B (17 lines up)**Summary**Beraisa:* If A lends money to B *without stipulating the length of the loan period;* he cannot request payment before *thirty days.**Rabbah bar bar Chana,* in Rav’s presence, wished to explain: This refers to *a loan that was documented;* no one goes through the trouble of setting a loan down in a _shtar_ (official document) for less than thirty days. But if the loan was not written down, payment can be requested before a thirty day period.*Rav Replied:* My uncle ( _chavivi - dodi_ ), *Rabbi Chiya* said that this refers to *any loan.*This is confirmed by a beraisa.*Shmuel* said to *Rav Masna:* Don’t sit down until you explain to me the source for this law of the *_beraisa._**Rav Masna* replied: “The *seventh year* is coming, the *year of shemitah* (desisting)”.Doesn’t everyone know that the seventh year is the _shemitah_ year?This _possuk_ is teaching that *besides for the seventh year* there is another period of *“desisting” from loan collection; thirty days* after the loan was made.Thirty days is often considered *“a year”.* See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.