*12.3 Makkos Daf 08 B (4 lines Dn)**Summary**Another version* of the forgoing discussion (11.6-12.1):*Beraisa:* The _possuk_ states: “On Shabbos, *you should rest* in *plowing* [season] and in *reaping* [season]”.*Rabbi Akiva:* This verse must refer to the Shabbos of _shemittah_ , but *not to the year of _shemittah_* , because we already know that plowing and reaping is forbidden the entire year. *This verse teaches* that plowing for the benefit of the shemittah crop is forbidden even before shemittah, and reaping the shemittah crop *after the _shemittah_ year is forbidden.* _[This is called tosefes shevi’is]._*Rabbi Yishmael:* The verse does *refer to the weekly shabbos.* Although we already know that sowing and reaping is forbidden, it comes to teach us something new: Just as *plowing is not done for a mitzvah* , so too, reaping is only forbidden when it’s not for a mitzvah, but *reaping the _omer_ is permitted even on shabbos.**One of the Rabbanan* said to *Rava: Perhaps the plowing was also for the mitzvah of omer?**Rava:* Only *the reaping is a mitzvah.* See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.