*12.2 Makkos Daf 08 A (4 lines Up)*psssst... Did you hear about Toras Avigdor's crowdfunding campaign? It is *now in full swing* and you can make a special donation in honor of the gemara we learn together! cmatch.me/kevius*Summary*Mishna (11.3), Abba Shaul: Just like chopping wood is not a _mitzvah_ ; one only goes to _galus_ if he was not doing a _mitzvah._*Rava:* The _possuk_ says: _*“Va’asher* yavo es rei’eihu bayaar_ (If someone happened to come to the forest with his fellow)”. This means that entering the woods was a matter of *his personal choice.* If the _possuk_ would be referring to someone entering the forest *for a _mitzvah_ the word _asher_ would not be appropriate.**Rav Ada bar Ahava* said to *Rava:* Does the word _asher_ denote a matter of personal choice? The _possuk_ states “A man _*asher* yitma,_ who happens to be impure [cannot enter the _mikdash_ or eat _kodesh_ ].” What if he was forced to become impure for a *_meis mitzvah_* ? According to you *he would be permitted to enter the _mikdash_ !**Response:* After the word asher, the _possuk_ adds: *“If he shall be _tamei,_* and the _tumah_ is still with him”. “He shall be _tamei_ ” teaches that *if he’s _tamei_ for any reason,* he is included in this prohibition.*Challenge:* Beraisa *: “If he shall be _tamei_ ,”* teaches that *a _tvul yom_* (someone who has already begun his purification process) *is included* in this prohibition. *“And the _tumah_ is with him,”* teaches that *a _mechusar kippurim_* (another level of the purification process) *is included* in this prohibition.*Resolution: There’s a superfluous word there* “And the tumah is *still* with him” this teaches that he is included in the prohibition *even if he became tamei for a _mitzvah._* See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.