Many of us, whether career or volunteer, have run into a "rough patch, while serving as a firefighter, in EMS or law enforcement. Whether it's lack of sleep, the job itself, little time for yourself and/or your family; all add up to that possible "rough patch."

Our guest, David Wiklanski, a firefighter in NJ, also has a Masters Degree in Behavioral Sciences, Human Behavior & Organizational Psychology. He provides us with an explanation of the many facets of "the job" that can take a toll on anyone; sometimes, a very heavy toll. And he adds to that information thoughts and ideas to help us "gird our loins," (an ancient biblical term), that is, to strengthen not just our body, but our overall well-being and psyche, as well.

David presents his course nationally and has shared his words of wisdom with many. The advantage of listening to him via this podcast is that you can close your eyes and hear him speaking directly to you!