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Jacob is a listener of the Running 44@60 podcast and he got in touch to say he was planning on Friday (Good Friday) April 7th 2023 to run the Manchester to Liverpool 50 mile ultra which follows the Trans-Pennine Trail, the Manchester Ship Canal and the River Mersey.

Jacob has had Crohns disease for the last 17 years and as this podcast goes live in July 2022 he's up to 10km in training. 

On this episode of the Running 44@60 podcast Jacob explains the challenges of running with Crohns Disease and how he's planning to run the ultra and ensure he gets sufficient nutrition along the way.

If anyone listening to this has experience of running long distances with Crohns Jacob would be keen for your advice. You can find him through the links below.

Jacob is raising money for 2 charities - BAYSAR which is the Morecombe Bay Search & Rescue of which he has been an active member for the last 3 years and for Crohns and Colitis UK

Here are the links to the two Just Giving pages Jacob has set up:


Crohns and Colitis

You can follow Jacob's progress and get in touch with him via his Instagram page

This is episode 95 of the Running 44@60 podcast. You can access and download the previous 94 episodes via your usual podcast app or follow this link.

Host Trevor Lee ran his own first ultra in 2021 - the 44 mile Classic Quarter - hence 44@60.  Trevor has written a book about his buildup and adventure – it is both a business and running book and is now available on Amazon via this link: 12 Business Lessons from Running an Ultra Marathon. 

Alternatively you can obtain a copy by leaving a review on your podcast app for this podcast and then sending a screenshot of the review, with your name and address to [email protected]

If you would like to come on this podcast

The Running 44@60 podcast began as a learning / motivational tool for host Trevor Lee in his quest to run a first ever ultra - the Classic Quarter in 2021 - here's the story of Running 44@60

It now has over 140 episodes and is aimed at those thinking about and committing to their first ever ultra.

Trevor wrote a book : 12 Business Lessons from Running an Ultra Marathon - all proceeds go to the Children's Hospice South West