Bys Vyken Events  run by David Andrewartha is renowned for its imaginative, interesting, challenging and somewhat quirky running events in Cornwall. From the Cousin Jack to the St Eval Kart Circuit Marathon to the Smugglers Scuttler to the Fordh Sen Mighal and the United Downs Raceway Dave's events take in a huge variety of terrain and venues.

And each of them come with his almost legendary course and briefing  notes and on the day safety briefings.

What might not be so well known is that to date Dave and his team have raised £11500 for local charities from the events they have run.  An amazing amount. So if you are looking for some unique running events check out the Bys Vyken Events website.

In the podcast Dave shares how Bys Vyken began, we talk about the events offered for 2022 and the Cornwall Running Show which is taking place at Heartlands on Sunday April 17th.  The expo will feature a number of stands and is open from 10.30am to 3pm - you don't need a ticket for the Expo just turn up.

In the episode Dave also mentions some of his favourite events including : Shepton Mallett Prison Marathon (last one in 2022) and the Southend Pier Marathon

This is episode 82 of the Running 44@60 podcast. You can access and download the previous 81 episodes via your usual podcast app or follow this link.

Host Trevor Lee ran his own first ultra in 2021 - the 44 mile Classic Quarter - hence 44@60.  Trevor has written a book about his buildup and adventure – it is both a business and running book and is now available on Amazon via this link: 12 Business Lessons from Running an Ultra Marathon.

If you would like to come on this podcast and share your running experiences, tips, advice, plans, as well as specialist knowledge that will help runners then email Trevor via: [email protected] 

The Running 44@60 podcast began as a learning / motivational tool for host Trevor Lee in his quest to run a first ever ultra - the Classic Quarter in 2021

It now has over 100 episodes and is aimed at those thinking about and committing to their first ever ultra.

Trevor wrote a book : 12 Business Lessons from Running an Ultra Marathon - all proceeds go to the Children's Hospice South West