This episode was going to be an on the run recording during the Falmouth Half Marathon which took place on March 13th using my super duper new on the run recording device called the F2 Field Recorder from Zoom - (no relation to Zoom online recordings).

However as a podcaster you live and learn especially when it comes to the technical side and somehow yesterday I managed to press the wrong button at the wrong time, the crucial time, and ultimately I recorded absolutely nothing even our spend a whole run chatting away to people and myself!

Two people I did meet on the run who I would like to try and potentially get on this podcast were Jane Stedman who has completed over 300 marathons and Steve Young who has over 150 under his belt. if anyone knows either of them please give them a prompt to get hold of me via [email protected]

I'm also via this episode giving away 10 or so copies of my book '12 Business Lessons from Running an Ultramarathon' – if you would like a copy all you need to do is leave a review for the podcast via your usual podcast app, then take a screenshot or something similar of the review and email it to me via [email protected] and don't forget to include in your email your name and postal address and I will then send you an inscribed copy of the book.

As I mention in the podcast the books I'm giving away do contain a few occasional typos and misspellings but nevertheless if you are in business and you are a runner then you will find it really useful I think, especially in added to that you are planning your first ultramarathon this year and enormously especially in that is going to be the Classic Quarter.

I also mention the KVK (Kernow Vertical Kilometre) which I'm taking part in on April 3rd and the Cornwall Running Show at which I will have a stand with my podcast recording equipment give visitors the opportunity to appear in a future episode for a couple of minutes talking about their running plans for 2022.

This is episode 83 of the Running 44@60 podcast. You can access and download the previous 82 episodes via your usual podcast app or follow this link.

Host Trevor Lee ran his own first ultra in 2021 - the 44 mile Classic Quarter - hence 44@60.  Trevor has written a book about his buildup and adventure – it is both a business and running book and is now available on Amazon via this link: 12 Business Lessons from Running an Ultra Marathon.

If you would like to come on this podcast and share your running experiences, tips, advice, plans, as well as specialist knowledge that will help runners then email Trevor via: [email protected]