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In this episode I'm joined by Daz Stephens of Kinetic Energy
Daz is a well-being and nutrition coach and he shares with with you lots of tips and ideas on how to improve your nutrition but predominantly by making small changes
You can also enjoy a free 30 minute consultation with Daz
You can find Kinetic Energy on Facebook and Instagram and connect with Daz on Linked In
Daz  works with individuals and organisations helping everyone improve their nutrition.

The Running 44@60 podcast began as a learning / motivational tool for host Trevor Lee in his quest to run a first ever ultra - the Classic Quarter in 2021 - here's the story of Running 44@60

It now has over 140 episodes and is aimed at those thinking about and committing to their first ever ultra.

Trevor wrote a book : 12 Business Lessons from Running an Ultra Marathon - all proceeds go to the Children's Hospice South West