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A few years ago Carrie Glenister donated one of her kidneys. Then in March 2021 Carrie started Couch to 5k but got fed up with the pace of the programme. 

So instead she went from Couch to Ultra Marathon in six months. 

The Ultra was the Saints Way a 28 mile self navigated challenge from Padstow on the north coast of Cornwall to Fowey on the south coast. 

But that wasn't enough. So Carrie set herself a new challenge for 2022 - to run 4 major events - 2 marathons and 2 ultras and raise at least £2500 for the Royal Cornwall Hospital Charity whilst raising awareness of kidney donation. 

The 4 challenges:

The Bodmin Beast Marathon - completedThe South West Traverse - 44 miles - completedThe Black RAT - 32 miles - July 16thThe London Marathon - October 2nd 

Carrie shares her experiences of the first two events, talks about running with one kidney, the benefits of Jamaican Ginger Bread, counting benches and her training plans for the final two. It's a great episode that will inspire anyone thinking that kidney donation and long distance running don't go together - they can and do!

If you would like to help Carrie hit her fund-raising target please follow this link

Carrie's fund-raising includes running on  a treadmill outside Tesco in Redruth on Sunday August 7th - if you're in the area please do along and support her and chuck a couple of quid in the pot. 

Carrie's two top tips:

Learn from othersBelieve in yourself

This is episode 91 of the Running 44@60 podcast. You can access and download the previous 90 episodes via your usual podcast app or follow this link.

Host Trevor Lee ran his own first ultra in 2021 - the 44 mile Classic Quarter - hence 44@60.  Trevor has written a book about his buildup and adventure – it is both a business and running book and is now available on Amazon via this link: 12 Business Lessons from Running an Ultra Marathon. 

Alternatively you can obtain a copy by leaving a review on your podcast app for this podcast and then sending a screenshot of the review, with your name and address to [email protected]

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The Running 44@60 podcast began as a learning / motivational tool for host Trevor Lee in his quest to run a first ever ultra - the Classic Quarter in 2021 - here's the story of Running 44@60

It now has over 140 episodes and is aimed at those thinking about and committing to their first ever ultra.

Trevor wrote a book : 12 Business Lessons from Running an Ultra Marathon - all proceeds go to the Children's Hospice South West