The end of the year is in sight, farewell 2020 and hello 2021!

Now, as we look at this year nearly gone and the new year with hope, we may want to start looking at the learnings from 2020 (yes, if we look close and with intention we will find them!)and the hopes and goals for 2021.
And our guest this week, Dawn Campbell, is an expert at that!
Marketing and Sales director of the IAPC&M, she is also a a Holistic Health Coach herself! She’s an Author & Nordic Walking Instructor
Dawn’s coaching is all about helping clients "add years to their life by adding life to their years" through health, fitness and lifestyle coaching.

Let's start to look forward, let's focus on 2021 and what we want to achieve.
Let's look with passion, intention and more importantly, gratitude and hope.

To connect with Dawn:

To connect with us:

And from the bottom of our heart to yours: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Here's to a renewed energy, sense of purpose and joy.