Natalie's journey gave us all the feels.
She was diagnosed with depression in her early 20s. An illness that affected not only her brain, but her body.
She didn't feel deserving of any love, attention, understanding... from her loved ones or herself. She couldn't quite understand how they wanted to stay close to her when she herself wouldn't have chose it. yet, it was this love and support that helped her - when she was prescribed some tablets whose side effect was having suicidal thoughts.

This is when a moment of clarity struck, and she decided to take her health in her own hands.

She is now using this experience, these learnings and passion and helping others overcome their challenges through her Nutritional Therapy.

Please, if you are out there experiencing anything similar, know that you are not alone and it doesn't have to be this way. Please seek professional help, like Natalie (or even reach out to her too! her details are below). There is a way out.

Natalie's contact details:
IG: https://www.instag

And to connect with us: