Sometimes we feel something is off, and we can feel it for a long time.
And sometimes, what is off is our health.
This was Gretchen's case. She started to notice certain things where not right, a variety of symptoms and seemingly unrelated. She began a quest to better look after herself and her health, consulted specialists and plenty of research. Which, with an autoimmune illness (that can be utterly debilitating) was a journey in itself.

She discovered nutrition played a pivotal role in her journey and this is what we spoke about in today's episode. How our health and looking after ourselves starts from within, from our gut and what we feed our system.

Gretchen has done plenty of research in this matter, so, if you want to connect with her to find out more:
Her LinkedIn Profile:
AutoImmune Wellness Resources: (this is a great starting point to learn more)
Her favorite quote: Bruce Lee: “To hell with circumstances, I create opportunities.”

To connect with us: