In this episode of the 3 Pie Squared ABA Business Leaders Podcast, hosts Stephen and April delve into the critical topic of credentialing for ABA practices. With their combined experience in running a successful 7-figure ABA practice and assisting over 900 ABA practices through 3 Pie Squared's specialized products and services, they share invaluable insights on whether to hire a professional for credentialing or tackle it in-house. This episode is essential listening for ABA practice owners wrestling with the decision of managing credentialing processes, understanding the implications of hiring versus DIY, and aiming to build a sustainable and ethical ABA practice. Check us out at

Key Points Discussed:

Introduction to Credentialing Challenges: Stephen and April introduce the common dilemma faced by ABA practice owners: whether to hire a credentialing professional or learn the process themselves.Pros and Cons of Hiring for Credentialing: The episode explores the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing credentialing, touching on cost implications, the expertise of billing companies, and the potential pitfalls of not being directly involved in the process.Do-it-Yourself Credentialing: The hosts advocate for the benefits of handling credentialing in-house, highlighting the importance of understanding the intricacies of the process, maintaining control over your practice's credentials, and the long-term benefits of being directly involved.Real-Life Experiences and Recommendations: Drawing from their extensive experience, Stephen and April share stories from the field, highlighting both successful strategies and common mistakes made by ABA practices in the credentialing process.Engaging with the Audience: Throughout the episode, the hosts encourage live listeners to join the conversation by asking questions and sharing their experiences, fostering a community of learning and support.Final Thoughts and Resources: The episode concludes with recommendations for ABA practice owners on navigating the credentialing process, including utilizing resources like 3 Pie Squared's comprehensive guides and considering one-on-one consulting packages for personalized support.

Conclusion: Stephen and April's thorough examination of the credentialing conundrum offers ABA business leaders practical advice, real-world examples, and a clear path to making informed decisions about managing their practice's credentialing needs. Whether you're considering hiring a professional or taking on the challenge yourself, this episode provides the insights you need to proceed with confidence.