Hey Sleep Seekers! Are you ready to dive into the world of ZZZs with a twist of fun?

Meet Dr. Emily Ice, the sleep guru and Executive Director at Step-In, a wizard in the magical land of behavioral sleep treatment and applied behavior analysis.

Dr. Ice isn't just a sleep expert; she's a beacon in the behavioral health field, with years of experience working with developmental disabilities. She's a trailblazer in sleep medicine, a passionate advocate for entrepreneurship in behavior analysis, and a force behind innovative ventures like Step-In Autism Services and the 21st Sensory.

Whether you're a night owl, an early bird, or someone who just can't get those forty winks, you'll love this session! Dr. Ice will share groundbreaking insights, practical tips, and maybe even reveal why counting sheep is just a myth.

Find Dr. Ice at her website - https://stepinautism.com