Being approachable means that you're almost always involved in a conversation with others.

But if you're in a leadership role and you aren't approachable, it's very likely that you're missing out on critical information.

So, how are you doing with being approachable? That's the topic for this edition of the 2120 Podcast.

Questions? Comments? Ideas?
Send them to 'coach(@)jamesmayhew(dot)com' and we may feature your question, comment or topic idea on a future episode.


If you’re not approachable, people will hold out critical information from you.Being overly busy prevents you from being approachable because you don’t listen or communicate well.Making time for others is a vital leadership attribute.Pay attention to the how people come to you with information. Some people need to ease into conversations; being too abrupt or ‘to the point’ will limit people’s interaction with you.Intense personalities can be off-putting to some, causing others to not want to approach you.Ways to be more approachable:Keep it top of mindForce yourself to slow downHelp others to hold us accountableWork to be more inviting and welcoming with othersPractice building relationships with othersPeople won’t approach you when they don’t TRUST you.Commit to listening to others when you ask them questions. Be more concerned with being interested, than being interesting.