Leadership has never been more important than it is today.

And a vital component to your growth as a leader is learning to recognize and cultivate the leadership qualities in others.

Becoming the leader your team needs... that's the topic for this edition of the 2120 podcast.

I was asked the question… Do you want to be a leader here?Natural born leaders - are they for real, or is that a learned skill? Some of the best leadership attributes are talents; things you’re born with, such as the ability to communicate effectively.Surround yourself with great leaders and observe how they do things.Some people need to be encouraged while others need a little more kick in the rear.When you reach a certain level of maturity in your leadership potential, you become good at spotting leadership talents.There are different levels of experience when it comes to leadership.Leaders find talent, recruit talent and integrate talent.The best leaders know how to activate the talent, passion and skill of their teams; you have to be able to see it first.The best leaders know their strengths and their weaknesses, and choose to surround themselves with people who complement your strengths and weaknesses.