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The Twelfth House

380 episodes - English - Latest episode: 1 day ago -

Join host Michelle Pellizzon, the Holisticism team, and expert guests as we explore the connection between the practical and metaphysical aspects of well-being. Muse with us on why self-knowledge, intuitive business, spirituality, and creativity all contribute to embracing life as creatives, entrepreneurs, and squiggly brained intuitives on a mission to do our sacred Work.

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Preview: Michelle Pellizzon on Mediumship: Integrity, Skepticism, and the Unseen

August 01, 2023 13:55 - 12 minutes - 11.7 MB

This is a preview of a subscriber feed episode. To hear the full episode, subscribe and support the podcast on Spotify here⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠. Welcome to a fresh addition to the Twelfth House+ podcast feed, a special episode where we’re welcoming you into the inner circle and getting personal. Beginning this month, we'll be releasing two episodes monthly on our subscription feed. First, a personal behind the scenes look into what’s happening with the Holisticism community, and then our monthly audio...

Friday Philosophies: Unraveling the Spiritual Threads of Post-Traumatic Growth

July 28, 2023 13:55 - 37 minutes - 33.9 MB

Join us for another episode of Friday Philosophies, as hosts Michelle and Wallis navigate big seasons of change through the lens of Post-Traumatic Growth (PTG), a sister theory to the well-known PTSD. In this energetic and thoughtful back-and-forth, Michelle and Wallis share their personal experiences — breakups, work heartbreaks, and immigration struggles. They explore building resilience and fostering a "growth mindset" through the unique perspective of PTG. Post-Traumatic Growth isn't a...

Alex Cantone on Navigating Motherhood and Entrepreneurship with Human Design

July 25, 2023 21:33 - 48 minutes - 44.7 MB

Join host Michelle Pellizzon and guest Alex Cantone for a light hearted chat about the intersection of Human Design, motherhood, and entrepreneurship. Alex is a 6/2 self projected projector known in the online space for sharing her unique take on what it looks like to embody Human Design awareness out in the world. She calls on her own life experiences to create content for her community, and Projector-centered podcast, You’re Invited. Alex is currently navigating the world of new motherhoo...

Friday Philosophies: The Disney Strategy for Dreamers, Realists, and Critics

July 21, 2023 16:37 - 27 minutes - 25.6 MB

In today's Friday Philosophy episode, Michelle and Wallis explore the enchanting framework of the Disney strategy, a method to transform your dreams into reality. Our exploration of this framework guides us through the three integral stages of dreaming, realizing, and critiquing, illustrating their importance in launching products, breathing life into creative aspirations, founding visionary businesses, or actualizing whatever your heart yearns for. These steps aren't merely another projec...

Thought Transformation: Using CBT to Unravel Distorted Thinking Habits

July 14, 2023 15:13 - 38 minutes - 35 MB

Ever caught your thoughts spiraling into black-and-white extremes so deep you feel you’ve stumbled onto the set of a Charlie Chaplin flick? Same. Today on the pod, Michelle and Wallis are digging into a favorite framework of ours at Holisticism, the infamous 15 Styles of Distorted Thinking. We'll be drawing from the world of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, reviewing how they sneak into our every day thought patterns and how we can spot them before they take over. Check out the cheat shee...

Friday Philosophies: Using CBT to Unravel Distorted Thinking Habits

July 14, 2023 15:13 - 38 minutes - 35 MB

Ever caught your thoughts spiraling into black-and-white extremes so deep you feel you’ve stumbled onto the set of a Charlie Chaplin flick? Same. Today on the pod, Michelle and Wallis are digging into a favorite framework of ours at Holisticism, the infamous 15 Styles of Distorted Thinking. We'll be drawing from the world of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, reviewing how they sneak into our every day thought patterns and how we can spot them before they take over. Check out the cheat shee...

Keys to the Self: A Journey into Gene Keys with Karen Lapage

July 11, 2023 11:00 - 39 minutes - 36 MB

Whether you're a seasoned explorer or a newcomer to the world of Gene Keys, join us as we take a fresh look at this ever-evolving system of meaning-making with our delightful guest, Karen Lapage. Karen Lapage, our Benevolent Future Ancestor is here to be as human as possible, to use her incessant optimism as a force for good, and to tug on the threads of connection we all have with ourselves, each other, and the earth we inhabit. Karen masterfully creates art out of moments and relationship...

Keys to the Self: A Journey into Gene Keys with Karen LePage

July 11, 2023 11:00 - 48 minutes - 44.7 MB

Whether you're a seasoned explorer or a newcomer to the world of Gene Keys, join us as we take a fresh look at this ever-evolving system of meaning-making with our delightful guest, Karen LePage. Karen LePage, our Benevolent Future Ancestor is here to be as human as possible, to use her incessant optimism as a force for good, and to tug on the threads of connection we all have with ourselves, each other, and the earth we inhabit. Karen masterfully creates art out of moments and relationship...

Friday Philosophies: Cultivating Personal Style as a “Creative Pragmatist”

July 07, 2023 11:00 - 33 minutes - 31 MB

Struggle with being a spiritual soul in a material world? Yet at the also same time, you’re dying to unleash the RuPaul within? We feel ya! At Holisticism, we're firm believers in the transformative power of enclothed cognition, which is why we're diving into our favorite principles from The Creative Pragmatist, Amy Smilovic's eponymous book, which dissects personal style and affirms how it undeniably influences our day to day lived experience. Amy Smilovic is the Creative Director and fo...

The Art of Being You: Cultivating Personal Style as a “Creative Pragmatist”

July 07, 2023 11:00 - 33 minutes - 31 MB

Struggle with being a spiritual soul in a material world? Yet at the also same time, you’re dying to unleash the RuPaul within? We feel ya! At Holisticism, we're firm believers in the transformative power of enclothed cognition, which is why we're diving into our favorite principles from The Creative Pragmatist, Amy Smilovic's eponymous book, which dissects personal style and affirms how it undeniably influences our day to day lived experience. Amy Smilovic is the Creative Director and fo...

Embracing the Archetypal Patterns of Astrology with Emmalea Russo

July 04, 2023 11:00 - 59 minutes - 54.8 MB

Hello fellow archetypal seekers! Curious about the connection between archetypes and astrology? Us too. That’s why we’re thrilled to continue our series on archetypes in conversation with our brilliant friend, Emmalea Russo. Emmalea is an astrologer, poet, scholar, and rogue researcher who weaves threads of esoteric astrology, contemporary cinema, visual art, literature, and the mystique of alchemy itself. In this episode, Michelle and Emmalea muse on the dynamic relationship between th...

From Scattered to Crystalline Purpose with Essentialism

June 30, 2023 11:00 - 24 minutes - 22.6 MB

Welcome Friday Philosophies where we delve into various mental models, examine our favorite frameworks, and reflect on the creative practices and rituals of creatives we admire. This week, we're delving into the concept of Essentialism. Far from your standard self-help guide, it urges us to recognize the finite nature of our time on earth, and inspires us to spend it with integrity. In this episode, we'll unpack the foundational principles of Essentialism, focusing on what it means to safe...

Doing Things Differently: Four Steps to Archetype Embodiment

June 27, 2023 15:32 - 40 minutes - 36.8 MB

Are you curious about alternative manifesting methods? Are you ready to make a quantum leap but unsure how to take action? In this episode, Michelle and Wallis discuss archetype embodiment and how it can supercharge your ability to step into a new role, ignite a creative project, collapse timelines, make paradoxical moves, and, of course, have more fun along the way! Key takeaways: Understanding the significance of archetype embodiment and its role in unlocking your true potential. Miche...

Friday Philosophies: The Wisdom of Via Negativa

June 23, 2023 15:25 - 26 minutes - 24.2 MB

Welcome to another Friday Philosophy episode where we consider a different mental model, investigate our favorite frameworks, and muse on the creative habits and rituals of people we admire. Today we’re digging into an esoteric philosophy called, Via Negativa. We'll be looking at this framework and sharing how we use it to improve our relationship with time, how we discern our highest priorities, and how to avoid burn out. Key take aways: How to use the theory of Via Negativa to abate b...

PREVIEW: Embracing Your Failure Tolerance and a New Framework for "Quitting"

June 21, 2023 17:10 - 10 minutes - 9.71 MB

Welcome to a PREVIEW of our monthly subscriber audio courses! Do you feel shame or get the ick when you think about quitting a project, leaving your current role, or deciding to end a relationship? Welcome to the club! We’ve all been there and that’s why in this episode we’re getting into the nitty gritty of what it means to “quit” something. Covered in this episode: Is quiet quitting really a symptom of burnout, or a generational shift? All of the things that we’ve “quit” at Holisticis...

PREVIEW 12+ Embracing Your Failure Tolerance and a New Framework for "Quitting"

June 19, 2023 21:37 - 10 minutes - 9.71 MB

Welcome to a PREVIEW of our monthly subscriber audio courses! Do you feel shame or get the ick when you think about quitting a project, leaving your current role, or deciding to end a relationship? Welcome to the club! We’ve all been there and that’s why in this episode we’re getting into the nitty gritty of what it means to “quit” something. Covered in this episode: Is quiet quitting really a symptom of burnout, or a generational shift? All of the things that we’ve “quit” at Holisticis...

Friday Philosophies: Reframing What it Means to Feel "Blocked"

June 16, 2023 13:28 - 23 minutes - 18.6 MB

Welcome to another Friday Philosophy episode where we consider a different mental model, investigate our favorite frameworks, and muse on the creative habits and rituals of people we admire. Today we're getting into several frameworks and ways of thinking about how to overcome a creative rut and reframe the idea of being "blocked". 📚 Resources and Links: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Join the North Node waitlist here. We’re opening the doors in June! ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠Sign up here for your weekly wink from the Universe a...

Doing Things Differently with a "Think Week"

June 13, 2023 13:42 - 35 minutes - 32.7 MB

This week team Holisticism is experimenting with our first ever, Think Week. In this episode Michelle and Wallis explore the origin of this rest period and how to approach planning your own version of a Think Week. Covered in this episode: What a think week can do for burn out and why decreasing the amount of context switching in your day to-day can help How to structure a Think Week when you’re deciding between rejuvenation, deep work, and creativity What do to if you feel out of pr...

Friday Philosophies: Our Secret Key to The Universe (pt. 2 of Our 13 Rules)

June 09, 2023 14:31 - 31 minutes - 28.6 MB

Welcome to another Friday Philosophy episode where we consider a different mental model, investigate our favorite frameworks, and muse on the creative habits and rituals of people we admire. If you missed it, catch up on pt. 1 of our 13 Rules for Squiggly Brained Witches (pt.1) here. Today is part two of this series where we’ll be sharing rules 8-13 and how we came up with them as defining principles which have transformed how we engage with our sacred work. In this episode, we explore ...

Doing Things Differently: D’Ana Joi on Embracing a Multi-Passionate Lifestyle

June 06, 2023 12:41 - 42 minutes - 39.4 MB

Are you a multihyphenate who enjoys exploring Astrology and Human Design, but sometimes struggles to remain committed to a single hobby, project, or career trajectory? If yes, you're in good company because today on the podcast (and everyday) we're celebrating squiggly-brained creatives ,by chatting with a multi-passionate entrepreneur and coach, D'Ana Joi. D'Ana Joi, better known by her middle name "Joi," is a coach for multi-passionates and host of the Multi-Passionate Mastery Podcast. ...

Friday Philosophies: Our 13 Rules for Squiggly Brained Witches (pt.1)

June 02, 2023 14:29 - 34 minutes - 31.6 MB

Welcome to another edition of Friday Philosophies! Each Friday we consider a different mental model, investigate our favorite frameworks, and talk about the creative habits and rituals of people we admire. Today is part one of a two-part series, where we’ll be sharing the manifesto and principles we created and try to live by as a team. What we mean by manifesto is our 13 Rules for Squiggly Brained Witches. In this episode, we explore … The first seven fundamental principles that have ...

Emily Torres on Doing Things Differently with ADHD

May 30, 2023 13:48 - 51 minutes - 47 MB

Join us for another episode in our series, Doing Things Differently, as we dissect navigating a newfound neurodivergent diagnosis with our lovely guest, Emily Torres, from The Good Trade. Emily is the Editorial Director at The Good Trade, a sustainable lifestyle publication where she oversees content development and audience growth. Emily is also a writer, a gamer, and an endless trier-of-new-things. You can usually find her in her colorful Los Angeles apartment, hanging out with her rabbit...

Friday Philosophies: The 80/20 Rule — Finding Fulfillment With Less Effort

May 26, 2023 16:35 - 28 minutes - 22.5 MB

Welcome to our Friday Philosophy episode where we muse on a new mental model, explore our favorite frameworks, and discuss the unique habits and rituals of creatives and entrepreneurs we admire. Ever feel like you're stuck in a never-ending loop without making progress on things that really matter to you? Sometimes, we mistakenly believe that putting in tons of effort will magically lead to the outcomes we want. Yet often, it’s 20% of our actions that generate 80% of what we’re after. Tha...

Friday Philosophies: Big God Guy (Pharrell Williams)

May 19, 2023 15:11 - 22 minutes - 20.9 MB

Curious about how Pharrell, the undeniably prolific creative, starts his day and stays inspired across multiple disciplines? Us too! Every Friday, we release a Friday Philosophy episode where we delve into the mental models, frameworks, and rituals of genius creatives, offering a fresh perspective to contemplate and integrate into your own creative journey. This week, our focus is on the daily and philosophical rituals of the otherworldly Pharrell Williams. In this episode, we discuss: P...

Doing Things Differently: Your Adaptability Quotient with Liz Tran

May 16, 2023 11:00 - 1 hour - 64.4 MB

Do you know your adaptability quotient? No??? In this economy?!? In today’s episode, our guest, Liz Tran, shares why she believes that (in this economy) your Adaptability Quotient (AQ) is more valuable than your IQ. For the next few weeks, our Tuesday episodes will feature guests and conversations on the topic of, “Doing Things Differently”. We’ll be in conversation with guests discussing how they’ve overcome and adapted to some of their toughest challenges, and found alternative paths for...

Doing Things Differently: The Magic in Your Adaptability Quotient with Liz Tran

May 16, 2023 11:00 - 1 hour - 64.4 MB

Do you know your adaptability quotient? No??? In this economy?!? In today’s episode, our guest, Liz Tran, shares why she believes that (in this economy) your Adaptability Quotient (AQ) is more valuable than your IQ. For the next few weeks, our Tuesday episodes will feature guests and conversations on the topic of, “Doing Things Differently”. We’ll be in conversation with guests discussing how they’ve overcome and adapted to some of their toughest challenges, and found alternative paths for...

Friday Philosophies: The Imperfectly Perfect Wabi-Sabi Lifestyle

May 12, 2023 14:00 - 22 minutes - 20.3 MB

Are you interested in living a more Zen, super-duper-chill, relaxed way of life which celebrates imperfections, change as a constant, and a hella cool aesthetic? Um, same! Every Friday, we discuss mental models, new frameworks, and creative habits and rituals to improve our lives. This week we’re taking a peek at the often quoted aesthetic philosophy of Wabi-Sabi, a centuries-old Japanese concept that embraces imperfection, transience, and simplicity. We trace the roots of Wabi-Sabi back ...

Embracing Your Growth Edge and Engaging with Your Sacred Work

May 10, 2023 13:00 - 30 minutes - 27.5 MB

Are you curious about exploring your growth edge, improving your connection with your community, or up-leveling a new aspect of your personal life? We gotchu 😊 In this last episode of our series on copywriting, we’re diving into a concept that at Holisticism we love to call “Growth Edging”. Drawing from our course material in The North Node and insights from our intuitive business community, Michelle unravels the idea of the growth edge and discusses how to approach and navigate these bou...

Friday Philosophies: Taylor Swift’s Rituals for Collaboration and Inspiration

May 05, 2023 13:09 - 21 minutes - 20 MB

Welcome to the first episode in our new weekly series, Friday Philosophies. Join us each Friday as we explore the mental models, frameworks, and rituals of creative baddies, and dive into our favorite philosophies to uncover the peculiarities and common threads between them. This week, we’re peeking behind the curtain into the mind of the prolific Taylor Swift, to muse on the rituals and divergent strategies that have guided her career so far. In this episode, we cover: What rituals gui...

How to Get Anything You Want (Everything is Copy)

May 02, 2023 15:59 - 25 minutes - 23.5 MB

Sometimes we love / hate a hack. But the evergreen hack that just doesn’t quit is copywriting. That’s right, we said it! Although copywriting doesn't always feel sexy or magical, copywriting is not only spell casting, but a surefire way to get what you want. In this episode, hosts Michelle and Wallis explore embodying the mindset of “everything is copy” — a phrase coined by the writer and filmmaker Nora Ephron, and how adopting this mindset can help you self-actualize via this empowering p...

Morning Mastery: Unleashing the Copywriting Genius Within

April 25, 2023 12:50 - 25 minutes - 23.1 MB

Are you drowning in a sea of marketing and copywriting to-do’s, but feel like your writing doesn’t have the “riz” and no clue where to start? Fear not, fellow intuitive wordsmiths, we are here to rescue you from a doom spiral of copywriting chaos. As part of our current series on copywriting, in today's episode we're discussing what habits and rituals will help you become a more skilled and stylish wordsmith. We cover: The power of habit stacking, compounding results, and daily rituals ...

An Intuitive Approach to Sales With Non-Coercive Copywriting

April 18, 2023 13:52 - 26 minutes - 24.6 MB

Do you struggle with how to talk or write about your business? Are you secretly a lil’ afraid of sounding like a “girl boss”, too pushy, or using too much marketing-bro speak? Same. In this episode, Michelle explores the concept of non-coercive marketing and how to sell and talk about your Sacred Work and business, without being sales-y. Michelle covers: the role of authenticity in the way we sell what storytelling and non-coercive copywriting have in common how to practice non-coercive...

How Should We Think About Motherhood x Entrepreneurship Now? with Puno Puno

April 04, 2023 13:55 - 52 minutes - 48.5 MB

Are you curious about what it looks like running an intuitive business while starting a family? In this episode, we’ve invited special guest and dear friend, Puno Puno, founder of ilovecreatives and Executive Creative Director of ilovecreatives.Studio, to muse with us on what it means to be an entrepreneur and a brand new mom. Key moments from today’s episode: Strategies for taking maternity leave with a small team What does time management actually look like between your business and st...

How Should We Think About Motherhood x Entrepreneurship Now? with Puno Dostres

April 04, 2023 13:55 - 52 minutes - 48.5 MB

Are you curious about what it looks like running an intuitive business while starting a family? In this episode, we’ve invited special guest and dear friend, Puno Puno, founder of ilovecreatives and Executive Creative Director of ilovecreatives.Studio, to muse with us on what it means to be an entrepreneur and a brand new mom. Key moments from today’s episode: Strategies for taking maternity leave with a small team What does time management actually look like between your business and st...

How Should We Think About Wellness Culture Now? with Christy Harrison

March 28, 2023 13:24 - 1 hour - 61.4 MB

Welcome to our third episode in our series where we’re featuring guest experts as we delve into complex, sticky, and undefinable conversations that are top of mind. Today we’re joined by Christy Harrison to discuss the state of the wellness industry, and muse on how we might think about “being in the industry, but not of it”. Christy Harrison, MPH, RD, a registered dietitian nutritionist, certified intuitive eating counselor, journalist, and author of THE WELLNESS TRAP, ANTI-DIET, as well ...

How Should We Think About AI x Content Creation Now?

March 21, 2023 11:00 - 29 minutes - 27.3 MB

Join us for the second episode of our current series, featuring guest experts and team Holisticism as we delve into complex, zeitgeist worthy topics that we just can’t quit! In this week's episode, Michelle and Wallis discuss which AI tools can help free up time and space for creators and squiggly-brained intuitives to spend more time doing what they love most, connecting with the creative muse when she calls. Referenced in this episode ChatGPT Designing a logo with ChatGPT Hard Fork: ...

How Should We Think About Manifestation Now? with Pea the Feary

March 07, 2023 21:02 - 1 hour - 55.8 MB

Welcome to our first episode in a new series entitled “How Should We Think About _____ Now” For the first discussion in this series, we’re speaking all about Manifestation, timeline jumping, and accessing future versions of ourselves. All evergreen topics here at Holisticism. Today Michelle is chatting with Pea the Feary, artist and creator of the Timeline Jumping Embodiment Modality. Pea is an artist and spiritualist committed to beauty and pleasure. Reality is their favorite medium to c...

Building a Portfolio Career as a Generator with Taylor Morrison

February 28, 2023 12:00 - 44 minutes - 40.5 MB

Today Michelle and Wallis are excited to be chatting with prolific creative, entrepreneur, and dear community member, Taylor Elyse Morrison. Taylor Elyse Morrison is an author, facilitator, and coach, making well-being and personal development more accessible. Through her company Inner Workout and her book of the same name, Taylor supports people’s journey to know, care for, and become their full selves. This episode we go deep on: Taylor’s perspective on building a portfolio career witho...

Overcoming the Fear of Being Seen with Michelle Pellizzon

February 21, 2023 19:03 - 37 minutes - 29.7 MB

Today Michelle is on the pod musing about one of our core fears of “being seen” on and offline, and how to overcome being blocked by these fears. We've all got a version of the fear of being seen in different ways, and we're here to get to the root of it!  Michelle is musing on: How does the fear of being seen manifest and what does it cost you if you don't look the fear straight in the face?  If you’re willing to change — how do you do it? How to prepare physically, mentally, and psychic...

Amelia Hruby on Growing a Business Off the (Social Media) Grid

February 14, 2023 12:00 - 1 hour - 57.1 MB

Today, on The Twelfth House, we’re talking to Amelia Hruby, PhD, feminist author, educator, podcaster, and the founder of Softer Sounds, a podcast studio for entrepreneurs and creatives. Over the past decade, Amelia has been a university professor, a community organizer, and a radio DJ. Now, she helps babes get their voices off social media & onto the airwaves with her podcast Off the Grid: Leaving Social Media without Losing All Your Clients. If you’ve been with us for a while you’ve defi...

How to Pitch Anything According to Your Creator Archetype

February 07, 2023 12:00 - 48 minutes - 44.6 MB

Why does “selling” sometimes give us such the ick? If you think about it another way, we’re kind of always pitching something. Whether it’s spell-casting as we write copy, rattling off our take on the latest trend grinding our gears, or sharing our origin story, we might as well communicate it in our own unique style. Today, team Holisticism is on the pod, musing on how to pitch according to your creator archetype and how to lean into your preferred style to communicate your magic, with a...

Dr. Liz Bahr on Habits and Strategies for Squiggly Brained Intuitives and Creatives

January 31, 2023 19:41 - 55 minutes - 50.4 MB

Today Michelle and Wallis are joined by wonderful North Node member, prolific creative, and whip-smart entrepreneur Dr. Liz Bahr, to muse on managing a creative life with a neurodivergent/squiggly brained diagnosis. Liz is a writer, creative expression facilitator, adjunct professor, clinical mentor,  consultant, entrepreneur, and Doctor of Occupational Therapy. She holds a Doctorate from Boston University and a Master of Science from NYU, 500-hour yoga teacher, and specializes in working w...

Creating Your Own Spiritual Operating System (SOS) with Michelle Pellizzon

January 24, 2023 12:00 - 34 minutes - 27.4 MB

Welcome to episode three in our month-long series on what we like to call our guide to your latest SOS, or Spiritual Operating Systems. Today, Michelle is back on the pod waxing poetic about how she’s developed a personal spiritual operating system, and how you can build your own, with just a few guiding principles to get you started. Referenced: Join our free community of intuitives and creators here! This podcast is edited by Softer Sounds Studios Our detailed show notes can be found ...

Pia Beck on Running an Intuitive Business with an OCD Diagnosis

January 17, 2023 13:18 - 56 minutes - 51.9 MB

Continuing on our theme of spiritual and squiggly brained operating systems this month, we’re chatting with Pia Beck of Curate Well Co. about the ins and outs of running her business with a squiggly (or neuro-divergent) brain. Pia graciously speaks about her experience of receiving an OCD diagnosis, and how this has changed her understanding of herself as an entrepreneur, running several businesses. After a career in people operations in the tech and startup worlds, Pia started Curate Well ...

Building Your Spiritual Operating System (SOS) with team Holisticism

January 10, 2023 12:00 - 47 minutes - 43.1 MB

Happy New Year and welcome back to the Twelfth House! This month we’re reflecting on what’s in our spiritual and squiggly brained SOS kits. Throughout January we’ll be musing on how to soothe our psyches and our souls, when in spiritual crisis, and sharing what we turn towards when going through spiritual growth spurts. We’ll also be dissecting with the team and featured guests how to work with, instead of against, our neuro-divergent, squiggly brained ways of being. On today’s episode, Mi...

Survival Kit: Avoiding Burnout During the Holidays with Kelley Bonner

December 13, 2022 11:00 - 56 minutes - 51.9 MB

Join us for part two of our mini series, Holiday Survival Kit,  where we’re pausing to speak with Kelley Bonner about spotting the signs of burn out before you find yourself smack dab in the middle of a joyless, burnout-holiday-hoagie. Kelley Bonner is a culture strategist, an award winning podcaster, and founder of Burn Bright Consulting. Kelley transforms workplaces by reducing burnout and bias, resulting in increased innovation and inclusion. She provides a framework for leaders and indi...

Holiday Survival Kit: Our Most Downloaded Episodes This Year

December 06, 2022 13:48 - 44 minutes - 40.9 MB

Welcome to a lil’ two part heavy hitter series we are calling “Holiday Survival Kit”. This time of year is, duh, full of cheer and all, but it can also be a very stressful and pressure filled season. That’s why as part one in this series, we’re taking the way back machine, and serving up our top five most downloaded and shared episodes of the year, which will hopefully help to soothe and/or distract you from some of the harder parts of the holiday season. Episodes featured: Note to Self: ...

Healing Your Nervous System and Psyche from Narcissistic Relationships with Heather J. Kent

November 22, 2022 10:00 - 45 minutes - 41.7 MB

This week’s episode rounds out our series on what it means to "be seen" in multiple facets of our lives, while we attempt to self-actualize in these human suits and engage in our sacred work. In this episode, Michelle is on the mic with Heather J. Kent a registered psychotherapist and trauma recovery specialist. She is the co-author of the newly released book, Wellness Wisdom, and the #1 Amazon bestselling author of the books Heal From Your Narcissist Ex and I Left My Toxic Relationship – N...

Topsie Vandenbosch on Intuitively Owning Your Corner of the Internet

November 15, 2022 11:00 - 51 minutes - 40.9 MB

Continuing our series on the complexities of what it means to be seen, we’re speaking with mindset coach Topside Vandenbosch. Topsie helps clients crush negative thought patterns and behaviors using emotional intelligence strategies and helps business owners do the inner work required to aid them in leap frogging to the next phase of their journey.  Find out more about working with Topsie here, follow along with Topsie on IG, and check out her podcast episode here. Join the free Holisticis...

Kim Saira on the Power of Owning Your Sacred Rage

November 08, 2022 11:00 - 54 minutes - 50.3 MB

This month on the Twelfth House we’re hanging it all out, as we riff on the idea of being seen. Whether it’s showing up on social as our multidimensional, squiggly brained selves, or pivoting our businesses entirely to align with our future visions of what’s possible. Today our guest is Kim Saira. Kim Saira is a movement healer, breath work & joy coach, and community care activist.  Join Kim Saira's waitlist for Authentically U 3.0 Waitlist here! In this episode, we muse on: Being a woma...

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