Dr. Liz Shuler is a transformational mind body coach, yoga therapist, and Reiki Master with over 14 years of experience. She specializes in helping individuals heal, grow, and create a life they love.

Main Business Issues:

Getting out of the therapy box to grow her coaching business

Elizabeth’s Key Insights and Takeaways:

Liz is a seasoned veteran with decades of experience in therapy but recently made the jump into coaching

As a result she brought along a lot of her past paradigms about what’s appropriate in therapy and it was causing her to stall her business growth

She had a lot of limiting beliefs around promotion and charging what she’s worth 

This created a lot of shame around what she was trying to do which was stopping her from moving forward 

Additionally, we also dove into how she can switch her frame around charging higher prices 

Connect with Elizabeth

Website: www.innerevolutioncoach.com

Link Tree: https://koji.to/@innerevolutioncoach