Adrian Smude got his start in real estate in 2002 when he was evicted which led him to become a landlord. After 11 years of being a hobby landlord, he discovered his passion for real estate investing by attending a real estate investor meeting. He tapped into the untapped gold-mine of mobile homes and has been following that path ever since. In addition he hosts a mastermind and is the author of the best selling book How to Buy Mobile Homes.

Main Business Issues:

Avoidance and Increasing his pricing 

Adrian’s Key Insights and Takeaways:

Despite having a successful business with mobile home real estate Adrian was finding it challenging to set appropriate margins to his education business 

He understood intellectually that it didn’t make sense to undercharge for what he was providing but he couldn’t get past it

Going through the Profit Leak Assessments we found out that he tries to outthink a lot of the challenges that come his way yet the problem in front of him now was actually emotional 

That was a big realization in that he emotionally can’t buy into improving his margins 

Additionally, we explored how his avoidance patterns were actually just protection against failing and not over committing 

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