Sandra Possing is a speaker, coach, digital nomad, and lifestyle entrepreneur, based in the San Francisco Bay Area. She was listed as a Top 10 Industry Leader in Apple News in 2023 and a Top 10 Life Coach to Follow in 2021 on Yahoo. She specializes in supporting high achieving attorneys, executives, entrepreneurs, and other driven business leaders. Over the last 10 years, Sandra has coached hundreds of clients to new levels of success and happiness, and been a featured speaker at tech companies, non-profits, and corporate events. 

Main Business Issues:

How to embody the authentic pacing she wants in her life and business 

Sandra’s Key Insights and Takeaways:

Sandra is a very self aware coach and entrepreneur and coming into the recording she knew she had a limiting belief of “I’m taking too long”

This was forcing her to rush, exhaust herself and always judge herself for being “behind”

We dove deeper into limiting belief and unpacked the root of it stemming back from childhood 

Additionally, Sandra was able to see the deeper reaches of this belief in her life and business

She also realized that despite her high self awareness she was bypassing the emotional and heart aspects of her patterns 

This was also the part that was stopping the full embodiment of who she wanted to be as a leader and person 

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