Jed Regante is an attorney-turned-entrepreneur who is passionate about sustainability and environmental conservation. He is the owner of Hill Country Rainwater, a company that specializes in designing and installing rainwater harvesting systems for residential and commercial properties in Texas. 

Main Business Issues:

Finding impactful purpose in scaling

Jed’s Key Insights and Takeaways:

Jed came in as very self aware but lacking the perspective to really see and understand how the limiting patterns he was aware of were negatively affecting his business

He understood they were there but wasn’t clear on the connection

As we dove deeper into his situation there was 4 main limiting patterns we uncovered

When it came to his tendency towards “impatience” which was causing him a lot of stress, the root cause of it surprised him

Additionally, as we unpacked it further it revealed a connection towards how he has a tendency to not trust people which makes for a harder time in delegation 

By the end of it he was able to recognize the root and understand what needed to be healed to eliminate these patterns 

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