Alain Luxembourg is a highly successful sales executive and Vice President with over a decade of experience in the technology industry. Alain is a results-driven leader with a proven track record of driving revenue growth, building high-performing teams, and developing long-lasting customer relationships.

Main Business Issues:

Having a hard time resting despite success 

Alain’s Key Insights and Takeaways:

As a high performing sales executive Alain was always looking for the edge to get ahead 

Despite his success, he had a very hard time finding guilt free relaxing time and was always worried about ‘stopping’

As we unpacked that deeper it turned out he had a long standing limiting belief that ‘it’s unsafe to stop’

Diving deeper into that revealed a long standing pattern from his childhood as he associated bad things with stopping work

Upon that realization we dove into how to use that information to actually heal the wounded parts that weren’t letting him find rest 

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