Sam Laliberte is a digital nomad, serial entrepreneur, motivational speaker and freedom seeker, who helps unlock people's potential to design their own liberated lifestyle (freedom over your location, schedule and finances). Over the last 5 years she's built a multi six-figure freelance business while working from dozens of countries around the world and for less than 30 hours of work / week.

Main Business Issues:

The stalling of perusing a speaking career despite current success 

Sam’s Key Insights and Takeaways:

Sam’s built a successful online business that’s all about freedom yet the one thing she was lacking freedom was her own self expression 

A big part of her current success came from her expertise in teaching people systems, tactics and strategy which she does very well, yet despite that she knew her soul was asking for more

Specifically, she wanted to express herself as a speaker and even after investing in getting all of the tools needed to make that successful she was holding herself back 

As we dove deeper into this we unpacked that a lot of the hesitation was due to the fact this new aspect of her business represented her vs. her skill set

This was triggering a lot of her inner woundings, people pleasing and fears around rejection that all stemmed from a sense of ‘not being good enough’ 

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