Gio Llontop is a Holistic Coach based in New Orleans. After working for big corporations for 8 years in Marketing and Business Intelligence she followed her inner calling towards coaching.  She now works with 4 main areas of Holistic Therapy:Inner Child Therapy, Emotional Therapy, Ancestral Therapy, and Energy Therapy to provide transformations for her clients.

Main Business Issues:

Stalling of business growth due to visibility, distraction and a lack of consistent action

Gio’s Key Insights And Takeaways:

Gio had a very distinct pattern in her business career which was a big upswing in growth followed by a longer period of no growth
This was a pattern that repeated over many years and no matter what she tried to do she was unable to create the consistent grow she desired
As we dove deeper we uncovered a whole slew of limiting narratives that were driving that
She realized there was a part of her that feared the emotional roller coasters of being seen online
She realized she feared the burnout from her past
And that a lot of the pattern she was experiencing came from a part of her searching for relief of feeling not good enough by chasing more achievement

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