Veera Mahajan is the Author of UNREPORTED,  a domestic abuse awareness guidebook. She is a speaker. She encourages women to live empowered lives by learning how to LIVE and teaches how to do that by a formula she lives by. She is also producing a message film called UNREPORTED.

Main Business Issues:

Trouble booking speaking gigs for her book and services

Veera’s Key Insights And Takeaways:

Veera is an expert is a lot of different but related fields and despite multiple successes through entrepreneurship she had a hard time figuring out how to matter to the people that need her most
She was caught between spending her time on multiple avenues that could lead to her business growing but nothing was ever a ‘home run’
As dove into her challenges she realized that she was really lacking focus on aligning her actions with the things she identified as most important which was booking gigs

Connect w/ Veera:

IG @veeramahajan