Melissa Kwan is the Cofounder and CEO of eWebinar, an automated webinar solution that combines pre-recorded video with real-time interactions and live chat to deliver an engaging experience for attendees. Melissa and her team believe that by automating the repetitive and tedious task of giving the same sales demo, onboarding, and training over and over, they free people up to focus their time on something else they value more.

Main Business Issues:

Trying to build a business from abundance and joy while dealing with the limiting stories from the past

Guest’s Key Insights And Takeaways:

As a successful serial entrepreneur with a successful exit from her previous company Melissa had trouble finding peace in her new venture
Despite having a stable position from her exit she was in constant worry that she will run out of money and play out the patterns from her previous companies
As we go deeper into the conversation she realized that her brain was disconnecting her from her emotions and in turn not allowing her to find peace in her current venture
In addition, she realized it was not allowing her to tap into her desire to build this next venture from a place of abundance and joy

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