Jelena Holodkova is a Human Design guide and a workshop facilitator. She dived deep into this modality to help people navigate change - whether it’s unexpected or long-time coming. In her sessions she uses Human Design, principles of psychology and everything she's learnt so far through her experiences to guide others to a place of greater self acceptance, awareness and love.

Main Business Issues:

Hesitancy adding structure and additional offerings to current business and in turn limiting growth

Jelena’s Key Insights And Takeaways:

As someone who grew her business unexpectedly and with mostly referrals, Jelena was in a great position
Despite her enjoyment of where she was at, she couldn’t ignore the fact that her business was stagnating because of her hesitancy to add structure, new offerings and add coaching to her repertoire
As she went through the call, she began to unpack how her commitment issues from her corporate career, which ultimately led to burn out were keeping her stuck where she was at
She also began to realize how the PTSD from that burn out kept her in fear from making a much more expansive business

Connect w/ Jelena:

@hello.jel on Instagram