Jackson Calame is a serial entrepreneur and currently the founder and CEO of First Class Business. Having worked in, launched, and scaled several successful startups in the b2b industry and SaaS space servicing thousands of SMBs, Jackson has seen firsthand that even the best operators struggle and often fail. The collapse is almost always caused by a bad marketing strategy. Jackson's success rate? 83.33%

Main Business Issues:

As a founder with myriad of personal and business demands Jackson was overwhelmed spinning all of the plates necessary to make everything work

Guest’s Key Insights And Takeaways:

Despite being a successful entrepreneur the pressures of leadership were becoming a big weight for Jackson especially when it came to balancing it with a family life
Even with a track record of success these pressures were mounting as head trash that went from imposter syndrome, anxiety, fear of losing control to emotions and how that would affect his family
Additionally, Jackson had a big a-ha moment about how his eloquence was actually keeping him from mentally embodying what he was sharing

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