Lindsay Dayton LaShell is a Marketing Activist and the creator of the Open Lines Marketing Framework. Her work is to advance justice, equity, and sustainability through access to excellent marketing strategies for women, indigenous, queer, or POC founders, B Corps, and nonprofits. Through workshops, speaking gigs, and consulting, she’s helped thousands of organizations reevaluate and realign their marketing strategies to be more empathetic, efficient, and effective.

Main Business Issues:

The feast and famine patterns she’s experienced in her businesses

Guest’s Key Insights And Takeaways:

As someone who was a very good doer Lindsay had a very hard time rationalizing what it was to ‘just be’
Her mind kept thinking of what goal being would achieve and as we dug deeper highlighted how a lot of emotions felt stuck and were starting to distort a lot of her everyday experience
In addition, we uncovered a deeper core belief of ‘I am alone’ and saw how that was causing friction in her previous business along with how it was the lens through which she created the new one
In addition, we uncovered a lot of the pressure she put on herself to truly live up to these standards of purity that propelled her continue to feel ‘alone’ in her business

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