Brittany Dixon is the CEO of Brittany & Co. - she is a Business Strategist & Productivity Coach and  helps business owners implement Self Care, Back End Business Organization, Systems and Accountability into their business. She offers Group Coaching & 1:1 Consulting for Online Service Providers.

Main Business Issues:

Unable to grow past the low 6 figure ceiling

Guest’s Key Insights And Takeaways:

Despite a quick rise to 6 figures and really good internal systems Brittany was holding herself back from scaling past her current ceiling
A lot of patterns from her past started to surface creating uncenesary friction in her quest to scale
Fear of success in the form of being responsible for a bigger team triggered the responsibility she felt as a kid
The narrative that she wont be able to hold it together if she grows bigger kept her self sabotaging
Not being worthy of success due to growing up poor
The judgment that she felt might come from her family and friends if she ‘gets too big’

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