I want to talk about the two biggest regrets of top mortgage brokers. In my other podcast, I Love Mortgage Brokering, I ask what advice mortgage brokers would give to themselves if they were starting their business over again. The same two things come up over and over again.

The first regret people tell me is that they wish they had started using a CRM sooner. There are a few reasons why getting a CRM up and running gets put on hold. When you’re new, you only have a few clients. You keep all their information in your head, so you never get around to it. Then before you know it you’ve lost track of your clients.

People often get stuck looking for the perfect CRM. They look and look for one that does it all, then can’t find it and so never get any. There is no perfect CRM. The technology has improved massively since I started in the business, but it isn’t there just yet. If you are still unsure, just start a spreadsheet. That way you have a record if you change companies and you can begin marketing to your list.

The second regret I hear is that people wish they had hired sooner. People think of assistants as an expense, but you need to change your perspective on that. Think about how much you are paying them weekly instead of their full salary. Also factor in time costs. Think about how much more prospecting you could be doing if you had just 2 extra hours in a day.

Find out more about the $25 Million Dollar Blueprint: www.get25million.com
Check out our other podcast, I Love Mortgage Brokering: www.ilovemortgagebrokering.com