In today’s episode, I’m going to tell you the one piece of advice I would give myself if I could travel back in time. What could I change or improve with the benefit of insight?

This story that I heard from marketing legend Jay Abraham demonstrates it best. Jay was out in China teaching about marketing and someone came up to him with a question. He made motorcycles but he didn’t have a factory and didn’t have the capital to get one. Jay told him that he was asking the wrong question. He should be asking who does have what he needs and how can they collaborate.

The man went out and found a lawnmower factory that only ran on certain days and they formed a partnership. A year later they were both making millions. If I could distill that advice further, I would tell myself that whenever it comes to making a big business decision, ask who not how.

The book ‘Who not How’ by Dan Sullivan goes into this further and I urge you to go out and read it. Remember that there is no problem that someone else hasn’t already had and solved. There’s nothing wrong in asking for help or collaboration to get over a hurdle.

The most important thing is not to get stuck in the how. The how will bog you down and distract you from what you should be doing. Always look for the right who for the problem.

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