Confidence Hack #25: Why me versus why not me...are the ONLY questions that matter for redefining our confident mentalities.

There are two types of people. People who ask, “Why me?” And people who ask, “Why NOT me?” And which one you are makes all the difference.

People who ask the former are constantly self-sabotaging themselves into believing nothing will ever happen to them. They think they are cursed to be unsuccessful forever.

But on the flip side, 80% of millionaires are first-generation millionaires. These people said, if it can happen to them, why can’t it happen to me? And they kept that mindset in the front of their brain as they went on to conquer whatever they wanted.

As you listen to this episode today, smile and tell yourself, “Why NOT me?” Tell your mom, tell your sister, tell your uncle, and tell the neighbor because “Why NOT you” is right! You are just as capable and powerful as anyone who has done anything. Now, go out there and do it!

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