Confidence Hack #77: The true stories of those who survived 9/11 due to schedule interruptions.

I’m sure we all have, but try to remember a time recently when you got so frustrated over the slightest mishap in your schedule. Let me introduce you to the ‘unknown near-miss experiences.’

September 11th, 2001, is a day that will live in infamy in United States history. Everyone who was alive can remember precisely where they were on that day.

A woman was late because her alarm clock didn’t go off on time. 

Another man survived because it was his turn to bring donuts to the office. 

Someone else was delayed due to being stuck in a long traffic jam on the New Jersey Turnpike. 

One person’s car simply wouldn’t start. 

That morning, a man wore a brand new pair of shoes, got a blister, and had to stop at a pharmacy for a plaster.

Those are all true stories of people who unknowingly avoided death. I doubt they look at the minor annoyances of their days the same way most people do. They know they are on borrowed time.

And that’s the thing: we are all on borrowed time.

Today’s confidence boost comes from taking a minute to think about the truth—there have been many situations where we could have very easily expired, but we didn’t. And that alone can give us a new sense of joy and perspective. 

Gain confidence knowing that God is protecting you even from the things you don’t know and even when they might seem like burdens at the moment. Burdens can be blessings in disguise.

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