Confidence Hack #78: According to DataReportal, as of 2023, the average American spends 6 hours and 59 minutes on a screen. Per day!

If you are into health and wellness, then I’m sure you’ve heard of Intermittent Fasting. It’s a trendy way to lose weight based on compressing the time window for eating. Usually, the eating hours are open from noon to 8pm or even as small as 2pm to 6pm. 

The concept builds parameters so the person reaching for the donut at 7am (and 8am) won’t. Today, you and I will make the term’ Intermittent Screen Time Fasting’ a thing together.

Why isn’t it easy for everyone to turn off their phone and put the screen down? Nomophobia. There is actually a phobia, which describes the fear of being without a phone.

In a study done by Psychology Today - they found that just by putting down the phone for an hour each day improves:

Sleep Quality 

Sex life

Energy throughout the day

Ability to get out of bed faster the next morning

Lower depression rates

The confidence boost today comes from right here, right now, setting up the hour window (just like intermittent food fasting) that you are going to be on your phone. 

Once you commit to a time window, that’s what you are sticking to. Try it for a week, and if you like it (which I have an excellent feeling you will), make it a daily habit.

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