Confidence Hack #70: The best-selling book of all time specifically mentions confidence 60 times, and this is why that is important.

Anything mentioned more than 25 times should open our eyes. More than 50, we should become very aware of. Not many words or phrases are mentioned more than confidence in the Bible.

The main point I want to outline here is that confidence is not used the same way throughout. The majority of uses pertain to trust in others, trust in circumstances, and trust in God.

We often think confidence has to do with ourselves, but the Bible points directly to confidence correlated with the word trust.

Confidence is trust.

Trust is confidence.

Gain confidence today knowing that one of the most used words in the best-selling book of all time, The Bible, is confidence. Confidence in who God has created you to be. Confidence in the plan He has for your life. And Confidence in God Himself.

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