Confidence Hack #69: The power of collective intelligence and multiple mind collaboration.

I’m going to introduce you to the beauty of ‘a group-thinking.’ No matter how smart you think you might be on your own, you’re not. You can be the absolute best in your industry, but your brain’s capacity will never reach the potential capacity of multiple brains working together.

We need others. No one in the history of ever did something great on their own. Trust me, there was always a group or a team (even if just one other person) that helped them get to where they are. 

Gain confidence today, knowing that you don’t have to figure it all out on your own. You don’t have to live life alone. You are not alone. Find your tribe and group so you can contribute your knowledge and skill set to create an incredible team! It can be your family, co-workers, or friends. Don’t think for one second that you must do everything alone. You don’t. And you can’t!

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