Confidence Hack #71: Pedigree only means where you came from, not where you are going.

Even if you look like your parents and can trace your DNA back to your great-great-grandparents, that doesn’t mean you must follow in their footsteps.

The word pedigree means: ‘the recorded ancestry.’ 

Technically, pedigree only concerns where you came from, not where you are going.

Tyler Perry has become one of the most successful producers, creators, and overall talents in Film and TV of all time. He was born into poverty in New Orleans, Louisiana, and his childhood was marked by poverty and a household of abuse.

His story today is a testimony of how pedigree and DNA do not define the success or the future you can have!

Gain confidence knowing that no matter what your pedigree says, you don’t have to agree. Your upbringing does not determine who you are or who you will be. Remember, pedigree is ‘recorded ancestry.’  Pedigree does not determine destiny!

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