Confidence Hack #49: The success-ability partner holds you accountable for your progress!

Do you remember your first time at the bowling alley? Gutter ball after gutterball after gutterball (And don’t act like you were a natural). But then you discovered these magical things, bumpers, the 18-year-old behind the desk who didn’t care much about your bowling score, put up for you.

An accountability partner is like your ‘bumpers’ for life. The right accountability partner can serve you even better than a coach can; it’s not the teaching and directing they are doing; it’s the motivation, inspiration, and keeping you in alignment with your goals, just as you are doing for them.

Success-ability partners hold you accountable to your progress.

The confidence boost is gained today by identifying at least three areas of your life you would like to have a success-ability partner and asking (the right person) if they would like to join you on the journey.

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