Confidence Hack #50: Become awe-inspired by all of the wonders in this world, and know that there will be some things you won’t understand, and that’s PERFECT!

String Theory. What is it? It’s a physicist’s way of trying to explain everything in the universe together as one - in a string. However, string theory has a fatal flaw. It can not be proven, and it can not even come close to being proven.

Humans will never be able to explain every particle and every movement of the universe. God didn’t create the vastness of the universe for it to be explained; He created it for you and me to be in awe of it all.

That is where the confidence boost for today comes in. The smartest people on the planet will never be able to fully explain it, so don’t worry if you don’t understand everything in your own life and why it’s all happening the way it does. Just stop, pause, and take in a breath of awe-inspiring wonder from the Great Creator Himself!

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