Confidence Hack #48: These 5 tips will make you a more CONFIDENT question asker.

Jesus was recorded in the Bible asking 307 questions. He was asked 183 questions and only directly answered 3. (He asked questions to help the question-asker find the answer). Why do great leaders ask more questions than they answer?

Here Are 5 Tips To Be a More Confident Question Asker:

Be specific in the question you ask (detail over broad) Seek conversation and not an interrogation  Don’t be afraid to admit you don’t know and need more clarification Actively listen to the answer being given, not plotting out your response Care. Genuinely care about the person who is answering the question.

In today’s episode, I will go over these tips as well as a study that suggests that people who ask more questions are seen as more intelligent and more likable. Who wouldn’t want that?!

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