Confidence Hack #83: Life without stress is not a life you want to live.

According to the American Psychological Association, as of 2022, 76% of Americans admit to being overly stressed out. If I had a nickel for every time I heard someone say, ‘I can’t wait until I am able to retire…’ 

Yeah, and do what? Go sit on a beach in Florida and die 8.6 years sooner than you would if you were stimulating your brain?

Let me introduce you to what will become your new favorite term: healthy stress. New research from UC Berkeley has uncovered exactly how acute stress—short-lived, not chronic—primes the brain for improved performance. Intermittent stress has been shown to increase neurons in the hippocampus, which are responsible for improved memory, adaptability, increased focus, and overall higher performance.

If you have too much of it on the left side (let’s call this side the bad stress), it will dominate your life, and you will be in constant fight or flight mode.  If you do have not enough of it on the left side and the right side skyrockets to the top (let’s call this side the ‘sitting on the beach doing nothing in Florida' side), your brain will become unstimulated, and you will be more likely to fall into the category of ‘death by retirement.’

The confidence boost today comes from understanding that stress is not necessarily a bad thing, and when used correctly, it can actually be a net gain.

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