Confidence Hack #84: Happiness is fleeting. Happiness is circumstantial.

The number one answer when people are asked, ‘What do you want out of life?’ Happiness. Now, I won’t go on one of those rants that tells you to live with joy instead of happiness. Potato, pototo.

But here is the truth that I am going to hit you with: You will never fully 100% love what you do. There will always be something in your job that irks you—a coworker, your boss, the project you are currently working on, not being appreciated as much as you think you should be, the hours you work, a red-eye flight that you swore you would stop taking once you turned 40.

Let me introduce you to Miguel. You will probably never meet the Miguel I’m talking about, and to be quite honest, I don’t even know his last name. He is a janitor at an apartment complex in Marina del Rey, California. He cleans, sweeps, takes out other people’s trash every morning, and cleans up dog droppings. Not your ideal dream job, is it?

But every morning, Miguel is whistling a tune with a giant smile on his face.

I asked Miguel one day, ‘Do you love being a janitor?’ He paused, smiled, and said, ‘No, I don’t. But I love serving others and this is the platform God has given me to do so.’

Gain confidence today, knowing that if you are in the ‘pursuit of happiness’ to love every moment of your job, you should stop. It’s a mirage that you won’t be able to obtain. 

Even if you aren’t happy at your job, or a portion of it, ask yourself today, ‘How can I embrace my inner Miguel?’

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