Confidence Hack #85: YOU have the power of first-hand persuasiveness!

Ok—would you rather take restaurant recommendations from someone who has been to the restaurant they proclaim is delectable, or would you rather take advice on where to eat from someone who has heard someone else talk about how good it was? The answer is easy.

One of the most powerful relationship-building aspects is being the ‘connector.’ This is a person who matches people together based on like-minded vision, drive, purpose, and social and economic stature.

A major flaw I see in proclaimed ‘connectors’ is when they don’t know one of the sides of the connection as well as they claim they do. These connections rarely work and usually leave a bad taste in the mouth of the person they actually know.

When you go through an experience—either good or bad—you have gained validation that you can speak about, just like I can’t tell someone about climbing Mt. Everest and how they should prepare mentally.

Your word is your character. And if you become the person who connects people with the wrong people or gives advice when it isn’t yours to offer, your word will quickly lose its weight. 

Gain confidence today knowing that the experiences you go through, even when challenging, are only helping you become a better and more confident leader to others.

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