Confidence Hack #82: The ability to self-educate has never been easier!

Sorry scholars who took years and years to develop those books, the new go-to is pursing a doctorate in the education of YouTube. The question you should be asking right now is not, ‘What can you learn on YouTube?’ The question you need to be asking yourself is instead, ‘What can’t you learn on YouTube?’

A 2018 Pew Research Study found that 85% of Generation Z prefer YouTube as an education over reading books. The same study found that 51% of those viewers were actually on YouTube to learn.

One of the highest-paid YouTubers is Jeffree Star. Star is a YouTuber who focuses on beauty, makeup, and cosmetics. In 2019, Star made $17 million from YouTube alone, making him the fifth highest-paid YouTuber of that year. 

Do you know where Star crafted and sharpened his ability? Through watching YouTube videos. There is no longer any excuse for ‘not being educated.’

Gain confidence today knowing that a high-level education and potentially a career making $17 million a year as a YouTube expert are yours for the taking!

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