New Loyal books Arts Podcasts

Caedmon's Hymn by Caedmon artwork

Caedmon's Hymn by Caedmon

1 episode - Latest episode: over 4 years ago - ★★★★★ - 1 rating
Cædmon was an Anglo-Saxon herdsman attached to the double monastery of Streonæshalch (657–681). Originally ignorant of the art of song, Cædmon learned to compose one night in the course of a dream....
Short Poetry Collection by Various artwork

Short Poetry Collection by Various

2 episodes - Latest episode: over 4 years ago - ★★★★★ - 1 rating
Short Poetry Collection 001: a collection of 29 public-domain poems.
Afterward by Edith Wharton artwork

Afterward by Edith Wharton

2 episodes - Latest episode: over 4 years ago - ★★★★★ - 2 ratings
A short story classified under the American Gothic genre, the piece depicts an eerie set of events following the distressing occurrences within the Boyne household, as their dream relocation takes ...
Second Variety by Philip K. Dick artwork

Second Variety by Philip K. Dick

2 episodes - Latest episode: over 4 years ago - ★★★★★ - 1 rating
Early victories by the USSR in a global nuclear war cause the United Nations government to retreat to the moon leaving behind troops and fierce autonomous robots called “Claws”, which reproduce and...
Oedipus Rex by Sophocles artwork

Oedipus Rex by Sophocles

2 episodes - Latest episode: over 4 years ago - ★★★★ - 6 ratings
Oedipus the King (often known by the Latin title Oedipus Rex) is an Athenian tragedy by Sophocles that was first performed c. 429 BC. It was the second of Sophocles's three Theban plays to be produ...
Songs of Kabir by Kabir artwork

Songs of Kabir by Kabir

3 episodes - Latest episode: over 4 years ago - ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
Kabir (1440 - 1518) was a mystic poet and saint of India, whose writings have greatly influenced the Bhakti movement.The name Kabir comes from Arabic Al-Kabir which means 'The Great' - the 37th Nam...
Missing: Page Thirteen by Anna Katharine Green artwork

Missing: Page Thirteen by Anna Katharine Green

3 episodes - Latest episode: over 4 years ago
Violet Strange, a clever petite detective, is called upon to solve the mystery of a page gone missing from an important document. The futures of several people, including an eccentric misanthrope, ...
Poems of William Blake by William Blake artwork

Poems of William Blake by William Blake

3 episodes - Latest episode: over 4 years ago - ★★★ - 5 ratings
Songs of Innocence and of Experience: Shewing the Two Contrary States of the Human Soul are two books of poetry by the English poet and painter, William Blake. Although Songs of Innocence was first...
Spirits in Bondage: a cycle of lyrics by C. S. Lewis artwork

Spirits in Bondage: a cycle of lyrics by C. S. Lewis

3 episodes - Latest episode: over 4 years ago - ★★★★★ - 2 ratings
First published in 1919 under his pseudonym Clive Hamilton, Spirits in Bondage, is also the first published book by the notorious novelist C.S. Lewis. This early piece of work represents Lewis’ you...
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight by Unknown artwork

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight by Unknown

3 episodes - Latest episode: over 4 years ago - ★★★★ - 5 ratings
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is a late 14th Century Middle English alliterative romance outlining an adventure of Sir Gawain, a knight of King Arthur’s Round Table. In the tale, Sir Gawain accep...
Adrift on an Ice-Pan by Sir Wilfred Grenfell artwork

Adrift on an Ice-Pan by Sir Wilfred Grenfell

3 episodes - Latest episode: over 4 years ago - ★★★★★ - 1 rating
This autobiographical work describes the author’s harrowing experience caught on a small drifting piece of ice, while crossing a frozen bay by dog team on the Northern Peninsula of Newfoundland.
Three Ghost Stories by Charles Dickens artwork

Three Ghost Stories by Charles Dickens

4 episodes - Latest episode: over 4 years ago - ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
As a gifted writer with a strong interest in supernatural phenomena, Charles Dickens produced a string of ghost stories with enduring charm. Three of them are presented here, of which The Signal Ma...
An Ideal Husband by Oscar Wilde artwork

An Ideal Husband by Oscar Wilde

4 episodes - Latest episode: over 4 years ago - ★★★★★ - 1 rating
This story opens at a fashionable dinner party in Sir Robert Chiltern's home in the heart of London's stylish Grosvenor Square. One of Lady Chiltern's old school-friends, Mrs. Cheveley, a woman wit...
Bartleby, the Scrivener by Herman Melville artwork

Bartleby, the Scrivener by Herman Melville

4 episodes - Latest episode: over 4 years ago - ★★★★★ - 4 ratings
Bartleby, the Scrivener: A Story of Wall Street is a novella by the American novelist Herman Melville (1819–1891). It first appeared anonymously in two parts in the November and December 1853 editi...
Four Max Carrados Detective Stories by Ernest Bramah artwork

Four Max Carrados Detective Stories by Ernest Bramah

4 episodes - Latest episode: over 4 years ago
Ernest Bramah is mainly known for his ‘Kai Lung’ books – Dorothy L Sayers often used quotes from them for her chapter headings. In his lifetime however he was equally well known for his detective s...
The Tragedy of Hamlet by William Shakespeare artwork

The Tragedy of Hamlet by William Shakespeare

5 episodes - Latest episode: over 4 years ago - ★★★★ - 11 ratings
The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark is a tragedy by William Shakespeare. Set in the Kingdom of Denmark, the play dramatizes the revenge Prince Hamlet exacts on his uncle Claudius for murdering...
Present at a Hanging and Other Ghost Stories by Ambrose Bierce artwork

Present at a Hanging and Other Ghost Stories by Ambrose Bierce

5 episodes - Latest episode: over 4 years ago - ★★★★★ - 5 ratings
Ambrose Bierce (1842 – 1914?), satirist, critic, poet, short story writer and journalist. His fiction showed a clean economical style often sprinkled with subtle cynical comments on human behaviour...
Initiative Psychic Energy by Warren Hilton artwork

Initiative Psychic Energy by Warren Hilton

5 episodes - Latest episode: over 4 years ago
Learn how to accomplish your goals through increasing your mental power, avoiding energy drains, and becoming more mentally efficient.
Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare artwork

Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare

5 episodes - Latest episode: over 4 years ago - ★★★★ - 10 ratings
William Shakespeare’s most well-known play is more than most people realize. While it is the story of star-crossed lovers, Romeo and Juliet, it is also the story of two families in the middle of a...
Long Poems Collection by Various artwork

Long Poems Collection by Various

5 episodes - Latest episode: over 4 years ago
Long Poems Collection 1: a collection of 5 public-domain poems longer than 5 minutes in length.
King Lear by William Shakespeare artwork

King Lear by William Shakespeare

5 episodes - Latest episode: over 4 years ago - ★★★ - 8 ratings
Considered to be one of Shakespeare's greatest plays, the tragedy King Lear portrays some of the darkest aspects of human nature that can be found in literature. The helplessness of the human condi...
First Love by Ivan S. Turgenev artwork

First Love by Ivan S. Turgenev

5 episodes - Latest episode: over 4 years ago - ★★★★★ - 2 ratings
The title of the novella is almost an adequate summary in itself. The “boy-meets-girl-then-loses-her” story is universal but not, I think, banal – despite a surprise ending which notoriously turns ...
Adventures of a Brownie as Told to My Child by Miss Mulock artwork

Adventures of a Brownie as Told to My Child by Miss Mulock

6 episodes - Latest episode: over 4 years ago
Adventures of a Brownie follows the life of a brownie who lives in a family’s coal cellar and the adventures he gets into with the members of the household. (Written by Ancilla)
Othello by William Shakespeare artwork

Othello by William Shakespeare

6 episodes - Latest episode: over 4 years ago - ★★★★ - 5 ratings
In seventeenth century Venice, a wealthy and debauched man discovers that the woman he is infatuated with is secretly married to a Moorish general in the Venetian army. He shares his grief and rage...
Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad artwork

Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad

6 episodes - Latest episode: over 4 years ago - ★★★★★ - 8 ratings
First published in Blackwood’s magazine as a three part serial in 1899 and published in 1902, Heart of Darkness centers on the experiences of protagonist Charles Marlow as he is assigned the duty t...
Typhoon by Joseph Conrad artwork

Typhoon by Joseph Conrad

6 episodes - Latest episode: over 4 years ago - ★★★★★ - 1 rating
First published in 1902 as a serial in Pall Mall Magazine, the adventure novel follows the disrupting events onboard a steamboat after it takes a perilous course at sea, which triggers a state of m...
Daisy Miller: A Study in Two Parts by Henry James artwork

Daisy Miller: A Study in Two Parts by Henry James

6 episodes - Latest episode: over 4 years ago
Daisy Miller is an 1878 novella by Henry James. It portrays the confused courtship of the eponymous American girl by Winterbourne, a compatriot of hers with much more sophistication. His pursuit of...
The Tempest by William Shakespeare artwork

The Tempest by William Shakespeare

6 episodes - Latest episode: over 4 years ago - ★★★ - 5 ratings
Banished from his own lands by a usurping brother, Prospero and his daughter Miranda have been living on a deserted island for years, until fate brings the brother within the range of Prospero's po...
As You Like It by William Shakespeare artwork

As You Like It by William Shakespeare

6 episodes - Latest episode: over 4 years ago - ★★★★★ - 2 ratings
In a tiny French dukedom, a younger brother usurps his elder brother's throne. Duke Senior is banished to the Forest of Arden along with his faithful retainers, leaving his lovely daughter Rosalind...
Discourse on the Method of Rightly Conducting One's Reason and of Seeking Truth in the Sciences by René Descartes artwork

Discourse on the Method of Rightly Conducting One's Reason and of Seeking Truth in the Sciences by René Descartes

6 episodes - Latest episode: over 4 years ago - ★★★★★ - 1 rating
The Discourse on Method is best known as the source of the famous quotation “cogito ergo sum”, “I think, therefore I am.” …. It is a method which gives a solid platform from which all modern natura...