Latest Zachary lee peters Podcast Episodes

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Prayer: How Not to Pray Part II

Zach Peters' Podcast - April 25, 2023 18:00 - 10 minutes
We continue our discussion on prayer using Matthew 6 as our guide. How not to pray part two! Support the Show.

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My Dad and God (Memorial service)

Zach Peters' Podcast - March 31, 2023 18:00 - 34 minutes
My father's memorial message.  An examination of God's faithfulness and power through my dad's life. Support the Show.

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Prayer: What is it and how NOT to do it.

Zach Peters' Podcast - March 15, 2023 17:00 - 17 minutes
We start a three-part series on prayer. In part one, we discuss what prayer is and how not to do it. Support the Show.

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The First Lie

Zach Peters' Podcast - February 09, 2023 16:00 - 23 minutes
We talk about the first lie the enemy used to move us away from a relationship with God, and it was a lie that questioned the accuracy and relevance of God’s word. Once you believe God’s word is not accurate or not relevant to your life, you move away from whom you were intended to be, which is ...

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Pack Up the Tent

Zach Peters' Podcast - August 03, 2022 00:00 - 25 minutes
2 Corinthians 5:1-10 has tents and a promise of something more permanent. While camping might be fun, most people prefer a more stable living situation. For Paul, that is a part of it means to follow Jesus. Listen for more details. Support the Show.

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Short or Long-Term Problems? No Problem

Zach Peters' Podcast - May 15, 2022 16:00 - 15 minutes
In life, we have bad days! Sometimes those bad days turn into bad years or even decades. It is easy to give up or resign oneself to a life without hope of change, but there is hope... Support the Show.

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Resurrection is for Everyone: John 20

Zach Peters' Podcast - April 28, 2022 17:00 - 15 minutes
Easter and resurrection are for everyone! From skeptics to naive dreamers, Jesus is more than enough for anyone to grab ahold of the powerful reality of the resurrected life. Support the Show.

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The Inside Counts

Zach Peters' Podcast - April 23, 2022 17:00 - 34 minutes
A simple idea to remember, the outside stuff in life will impact you, but the stuff on the inside defines you. Support the Show.

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The Fruit of the Spirit

Zach Peters' Podcast - April 19, 2022 15:00 - 29 minutes
The Fruit of the Spirit is potentially easy to memorize, but difficult to practice. Easy to read and hard to understand how it impacts everything we do as Christians.  Support the Show.

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The Potential of Normal

Zach Peters' Podcast - June 23, 2021 16:00 - 33 minutes
It is often in the normal things of life that God will work out extraordinary things in us, through us, and around us. Support the Show.

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Serve with a Capital J

Zach Peters' Podcast - January 15, 2021 14:00 - 12 minutes
We are called to serve! Jesus' own life is the perfect example of service to others. Support the Show.

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A Reflection On Loss

Zach Peters' Podcast - January 09, 2021 19:00 - 6 minutes
It has been seven years since my brother has died. During that time, God helped me in extraordinary ways, and I want to share some of that wisdom with you. Support the Show.

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When Scattering Produces Blessings

Zach Peters' Podcast - August 19, 2020 15:00 - 37 minutes
Life is scattered right now, and it causes chaos in our lives internally and externally. But in Christ, there is more to the scattering. Sometimes the tough times produce amazing results in our lives. Support the Show.

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Real Love

Zach Peters' Podcast - July 27, 2020 17:00 - 25 minutes
Real Love is just different. Real love is only possible through God. Support the Show.

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Take It off, Put It On

Zach Peters' Podcast - June 16, 2020 18:00 - 29 minutes
Power is one of those words we hear all the time. If you like cars, you talk about power. You want to know the torque or horsepower. If you like video games and computers, you want to know the power of the processer (CPU) or the video processer (GPU). Do you like sports and athletics? Then we wi...

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Use It or Lose It

Zach Peters' Podcast - May 08, 2020 19:00 - 19 minutes
Have you ever looked at someone and just thought, “Man, if I had what they had, I could do anything.” Sometimes, I will look at someone playing basketball, and I would think if I were as tall as him, I could dunk. Like he isn’t even using what God gave him the right way.  Maybe for you, it is l...

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The Priesthood of All Believers: It Is What We Do

Zach Peters' Podcast - April 21, 2020 13:00 - 15 minutes
Last week we talked about what could happen at home as opposed to what we think can just happen at church buildings. Through the scripture of Acts 2, we saw the power that can be given to us at home. Not only at a building or in a typical church service, but at home, with God, we can receive the...

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Don't Leave It at Church

Zach Peters' Podcast - April 08, 2020 14:00 - 17 minutes
We left God at the church building for a long time, and it is time to take Him back home. Then what happens at home, changes what happens outside the home.  Support the Show.

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Psalm 23

Zach Peters' Podcast - April 02, 2020 12:00 - 11 minutes
People are like sheep, we follow what we see in front of us, and sometimes that is just the other sheep who do not know where they are going. We have to learn to follow the Shepherd. Support the Show.

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What Can We Learn, Now!

Zach Peters' Podcast - March 31, 2020 15:00 - 7 minutes
It is sad, in a way, that so many churches cannot up their services, but problems are just opportunities in disguise. It is necessary but unfortunate, yet, I genuinely believe this challenging time can be something that helps the Christians and the church grow spiritually and practically, be mor...

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Peace That Matters

Zach Peters' Podcast - March 25, 2020 14:00 - 17 minutes
And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. - Philippians 4:7 Figuring out the peace that matters. Support the Show.

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Zach Peters' Podcast - March 23, 2020 16:00 - 11 minutes
At 5:00 PM, October 27th, in 1915 in the Antarctic sea, it was a very cold day. Crushed by an unrelenting ice pack, the ship Endurance was creaking, cracking, and deforming under the pressure of millions of tons of ice. Exhausted from days of keeping the ship from sinking, keeping the boilers go...

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Come to Jesus Meeting

Zach Peters' Podcast - March 10, 2020 19:00 - 20 minutes
I want to talk about what happens when we meet Jesus. What actually happens when we have a real come to Jesus meeting. Something has got to happen when Jesus shows up, otherwise, we wouldn’t still be talking about Him 2,000 years later. You can meet all kinds of people, and they will help you, ...

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Are You Talking to Me? (Final Part)

Zach Peters' Podcast - March 06, 2020 20:00 - 16 minutes
The last thing I wish I could tell myself… Other people and other situations can impact me, but they cannot control me.  In life, we will have issues. People will do the wrong thing to us. You never know what is going to happen. Just a few days ago, a storm in Nashville changed everything for s...

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Going to the Deep End

Zach Peters' Podcast - March 02, 2020 21:00 - 9 minutes
Because of the concise nature of how most millennials and Gen Z’s communicate, I believe many have lost the art of deep and thorough thinking. Relationships might be the key to help develop those thinking skills again. Support the Show.

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Top Tip 1: Stacking Choices

Zach Peters' Podcast - February 27, 2020 23:00 - 5 minutes
1% better every month means you are 12% better by the end of the year. Doing small things right will lead to drastic improvement. Support the Show.

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Are You Talking to me? (Part 3)

Zach Peters' Podcast - February 26, 2020 16:00 - 18 minutes
We have been having this conversation about things I wish I could go back and tell my younger self, but since I can’t, I have been sharing these things with my students and you. We have talked about putting God first and obey authority figures. Today we talk about setting the right example. Sup...

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Worthless Part II

Zach Peters' Podcast - February 21, 2020 16:00 - 13 minutes
This week, we are talking about someone who was worthless, both practically and spiritually. We are talking about the Samaritan women at the well. This woman is in direct contrast to the rich young ruler from part one. Last week we started at the top, this week we are at the bottom. Everything t...

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Are You Talking to me? (Part 2)

Zach Peters' Podcast - February 19, 2020 01:00 - 20 minutes
Are you listening to the people around you? Do you try to honor people who annoy you? If you are like me, then maybe this an area you need to strengthen in your life.  Support the Show.

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Worthless and It Is Okay (Part 1)

Zach Peters' Podcast - February 13, 2020 15:00 - 16 minutes
What makes you worth anything? That answer will depend on the age and culture you exist in, but if we are honest, our worth is always questionable in one way or another. Thankfully, Jesus changes everything.  Support the Show.

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